The technological era is witnessing transition from information to knowledge age. Metals Minerals Publication of India (MMPI) has taken birth at a juncture when knowledge age is moving towards Intelligence Age. Humanity envisions a better life by embarking upon intelligence age but at the same time wearily waiting for the future outcome. MMPI will converge the selected benefits of all the three ages pertinent to metal & mineral industry and shall deliver a bouquet of the same after adding untapped, high-quality aborigine talents.
MMPI is an online journal focused to serve the metal & mineral industry; mining industry being an obvious inclusion in its scope. There will be news items, intimating day to day happenings, latest trends, prices, analysis, news on innovations in the metal & mining sector etc. As a partner, MMPI shall be a MSME enabler industry body. It will arrange webinars, events, symposiums and different table meetings.
On the economic sector, MMPI_MinningConnect shall upscale the MSMEs and SMEs. The networking hub, MMPI_MinningConnect shall create a platform for B2B connections leading to synergistic combinations of track records of two or more entities. This endeavor shall create an avenue for willing and able SMEs to shift from traditional fund creations through loans to paid up capital through IPOs.
MMPI journal is having a White Paper section. Any firm willing to build up their brands or products can provide an informational brief outlining company specialities, their importance, solutions, use & benefits etc through White Paper section of this journal. Such informational material shall act as marketing tools highlighting superiority of their products.
In terms of Kranzberg’s 6th Law of Technology – “Technology is a very human activity and so is the history of technology”, MMPI envisages to open a window for harnessing human potential. Young people from the academic institutions pursuing science, engineering and management courses shall have a gateway to express themselves through this journal. In addition to this, there will be another window where people not so conversant with English but has fluency in speaking and writing in vernacular language can share their thoughts and experiences related to metal & mineral industry through papers or articles written in their own vernacular language. People from earlier generations can share their experiences, submit case-studies. Thus, MMPI shall act as a conduit to channelize untapped talent and exceptional inherent potential of India’s scientific thought and engineering skill. Excellence shall be rekindled for sustainability and self-reliance.
MMPI shall be an intersection of news, trend, analysis, brand promotion, networking hub, synergistic B2B collaboration and exploration of hitherto untapped human potential.
Metals Minerals Publication of India